How I Make My French Press Coffee
I could probably be considered a Coffee Snob. While I'm not a fan of labels, it's true. My mom and I are rather picky about our coffee, and we get it from a local roaster. I won't give you the name, that would give my location away, but it is owned by a family that lives here in town and sells coffee at a local Farmer's Market. We generally stick to Ethiopian coffee (Specifically Ethiopian Yirgchaffe, but we've branched out a little,) and we enjoy our fresh French Press coffee. I thought I'd share how we do that with you because it is a routine part of my life.
Step 1:
Put at least 35 ounces of water on to boil. You won't use all of it, but it will keep the temperature better, and it won't hurt to have leftover water.
Step 2:
After the water is on, measure out 1.5 ounces of coffee beans, and grind at the French press texture.
Step 3: Wait. (You should probably dump the coffee into the press now.) Wait The water should be done soon.
Step 4: If you didn't dump the coffee in, do that now. Make sure that the press in on your scale so that you can accurately measure the water. Tare out the weight of the press and coffee. Add 30 ounces of water to the coffee in a swirling motion. ( It's not very strong like this, so if you'd like it stronger, add a little less water, or let it sit a bit longer.)
Step 5: Let it sit for 3 minutes and 30 seconds (Or, like I said earlier, let it sit for an extra 30 seconds for a darker flavour.)
Step 6: Plunge. Pour. Sit. Enjoy!
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